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We are a homeschool enrichment group designed to help and encourage Christian families in their home education journey.
We are self-led with elected leaders who have volunteered to run three main areas: meetings, field trips, and co-op. 
Membership fees are $35/family/year, and all members must agree to our Statement of Faith.

Next Meetings


Talent Show/Craft Fair

​​​March 13,  7:00 PM

Community Bible Church

4940 Benchmark Centre

Swansea, IL  


Sign up to present your talents.

Also sign up to have a table at the craft fair.  Essay contest winners to be announced.



Ladies Tea Party​

​​​​March 16, 3:00 PM

Location TBD


For all SCCCHE ladies, daughters, and a guest or two, sign up for a lovely afternoon tea with proper tea, goodies, music, and speaker.


Contact Josh with any questions.


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